CINEMARE International Ocean Film Festival Kiel
April 24th | April 28th 2024
8th Edition
CINEMARE International Ocean Film Festival Kiel is Europes biggest annual ocean film festival taking place in Kiel, the capital of Germany’s most northern state, Schleswig-Holstein in the last week of April. CINEMARE welcomes ocean themed films from all genres and of all lengths, focusing on topics under, on, or by the sea. A strong emphasis is put on ocean conservation, science communication, exploration and maritime adventure. By bringing the oceans on land and onto the cinema screens, the festival aims to increase awareness of and love for the blue in our blue planet in all its facets. CINEMARE views itself as a platform to get involved. CINEMARE is a network partner of the German Ocean Decade Committee (ODK), which aims to raise awareness of the UN Decade of Marine Research for Sustainable Development in Germany and support its implementation.
CINEMARE is a member of the international Green Film Network GFN, the German Film Festival Association AG Filmfestival, the German Documentary Film Association AG Dok, the German Short Film Association, and the International Short Film Conference.
CINEMARE is an official partner of the IOFF International Ocean Film Festival in San Francisco and the Brest Surf Film Festival.
Awards & Prizes
Independent Juries, comprised of filmmakers, scientists, and personalities from the culture sector gives out the German Ocean Film Award, as well as awards in the following sections:
– Ocean Conservation
– Science Communication
– Maritime Adventure
– Short Film
The audience awards a feature length film and a short film.
Rules & Terms.
Films may be submitted in any language. Films submitted in a language other than either German or English, must have English and / or German subtitles.
By submitting your film to the International Ocean Film Festival Kiel you grant the festival permission to use photos, film stills, and excerpts of up to 59 seconds of your film to promote the festival online, in print media, TV, radio, and cinemas.
The festival reserves the right to decide at which cinema, at what time, and how often your film is screened during the actual days of festival. Usually this means one screening per film. Any screening will always be discussed with you first. The festival doesn’t offer screening fees for films in competition.
Cinemare is part of the Green Film Network. (GFN) is an international organization of film festivals that focus on environmental issues. The GFN promotes exchange, communication and collaboration regarding environmental issues via film. Its goal is to create a network that raises and promotes environmental awareness.